fashion to the "votive ice candle" design
featured on another post, with the difference
being that instead of using small chunks of
ice, colored (and pre-scented) candle gel
was used around the top edge, with wax
embeds along the sides ... in this example,
a candy cane ...

When the candle was removed from the
(tear-away) mold, a heat gun was required
to melt some of the wax from off the side
of the candle to expose the embedded
wax shape ... in this photo, the candy cane,
which you can (sort of) see on the left.

The main difference (beyond the
visual) between this design and the
votive-ice design is that this candle
burned for over twice as long due to
the candle gel, streaks of color
from the gel emerged within the candle
as it burned, and there were many little
"see-through" areas from the use of
the gel, making this a very pretty
little candle!

If you should decide to make such
a design, just remember to go lightly
on the candle gel, as the wax is what
holds this all together, just as with an
ice candle ... the gel is simply an
embellishment. A great way to use
leftover scraps of candle gel too!

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