These soy votive candles were made using 20% paraffin with RRD29 cotton wicks and I think they turned out very nice!
This was the first time I've ever made several votive candles at one time. Of course, to burn a votive candle, you must place it in a votive holder, as it melts over its edges. These were made with Akosoy 5702-02-02 (also known as Golden Wax 464) and 141mp (melt point) straight paraffin. The wicking was bought by the yard, so I could cut the wicks to the length I needed (2 3/8"), using a 15mm wick tab.
It took me a little while to get the hang of placing the wick. With votives, there are a couple of ways to handle the wicks. One way is to purchase votive molds that come with wick pins and insert the wick after the candle has hardened. I preferred to try what I feel is a cleaner method, so got molds without the wick pins.
To place the wick, the candle is poured, then allowed to cool just a bit until a skin forms on the top, then the wick is put into place by pushing it through the semi-cooled top skin layer until the wick tab sits on the bottom of the mold. It took a little practice in learning to do that so they're centered & placed correctly, so my second batch worked out better than the first, but I like that method all the same.
I added a little color to them by dropping little flakes of dye on the surface. (You can see that I did not color the top pour on some of them.) Sharing this has made me want to make some votives! I think I will do that this afternoon! :)
- About Making Gel Candles
- Candied Fruit Toppings Candle
- Candle Burning Tips
- Chimney Candles
- Christmastime Carving Lesson
- Comparing Soy Waxes
- Cookies in a Jar Candle
- Drippy Winter Pillar Candles
- Grubby Heart Candle - Version 1
- Grubby Heart Candle - Version 2
- Halloween Floating "Eyes" & Full Moon Gel Candles
- Holiday Candles - Themes and Ideas
- How much wax & scent?
- Layered Gel Candle Using a Heat Gun
- Making Votive Ice Candles
- Mini "High Cakes" Candles
- Molded Fizzing Bath Salts
- Questionable Candles
- Soy Votives
- Speckled Container Candles - Part 1
- Speckled Container Candles - Part 2
- Stacked Hearts Candle
- Trees in Snow Candle
- Wax and Candle Gel in Holiday Design
- Waxed Scented Critters
- Wick Comparisons